little boys

Little boys – what is it about them? I have had the worst week with mine. He is tottering around and just causes havoc wherever he goes. He is messy, noisy, into everything, fast and seems to be quite short tempered. I think I may have my first tantrum thrower on my hands. He throws food if he doesn’t like it – arches his little back and screeeams blue murder. He has learnt just this week to climb onto and stand on the coffee table, move containers so he can reach the cd player in elissa’s room and crank the music (he dances so funny!!). He has an obsession with my makeup drawer and can be seen at any moment hurtling down the hallway with a packet of tampons in one hand and mascara in the other. If I’m not paying him enough attention he will run to my paper lamp and start hitting it or turn the amp up or off. Both of these activities result in immediate attention from me, not the good kind but he doesn’t seem to care and will grin like mad. He is impossible to take food shopping unless you have your handbag seriously stacked FULL of food for him, and if he even sees bananas regardless of what is in his mouth and hands at the time he will spit it out and scream for one (yes I am suffering now they have tripled in price!). He can get out of the doggy door and unattach the moblie from his cot and loves to hurl it out. Despite his nut job personality – he just loves me. Serious love. Nothing warms my heart more than when I pick him up from my MIL’s after work and before I can see his little face through the screen door he is yelling ‘mumma mumma’. When the door is opened he is just lurching for me – arms wide open and lands in my arms – immediately must be adjusted to my right hip and his head goes on my shoulder, thumb in his mouth and he is a happy boy. 🙂 He will often cry if I leave the room, if I dare to pay anyone other children too much attention at music he will take my face in both his hands and plant kisses right on my mouth as if to say ‘you are MY mummy and don’t you forget it!’. He is so much more work than my calm and easy going Elissa, but he also loves me with a ferociousness that just makes all the hard work worth it. So that’s my Noah – he makes me feel like pulling my hair out but redeems himself with his head on my shoulder in a way that feels like it was born to lie there. x