do not worry about tomorrow, today has enough cares of it’s own.

Someone wise once said that. Man I so need to remember it. I was reminded just how it has been since I wrote in this blog and thought today might be a good idea to get the swirls of thoughts going around and around out on paper and hopefully stop the tornado.

Have you ever had one of those days where on paper everything is good, but you just feel like it’s all getting too much? I’m having one of those days. And most of it is just stressing about the next few weeks.

Matt is really struggling with the business side of things and the time sucker that it is. We have so much we really want to get done on the house this summer and it seems like every spare moment atm is spent cutting, sanding, painting etc. So great that we have so many orders, crappy for matt that it takes so much of his time. He had a bit of a melt down the other day and just wanted to throw the towel in. I understand where he’s coming from, but on the otherhand, we’ve spent so much time and money getting to this point that it seems very pointless to just end it all. I have managed to convince him that all he needs is a break, we had already committed to this mathildas markets this weekend, and so will do that but not take any orders afterwards. So we’ll probably be flat out in november but hopefully enjoy some time off dec and jan. I have already had a flood of orders from when I said that we christmas orders need to be in by the end of oct and I just know it’s going to be crappy for matt. He’s going to be so so busy. I feel bad, I don’t want to push him, I want to support him but I just can’t let it all go just yet. I think anything worth anything does take some sacrifice right? So hopefully a break will be all he needs.

Also wanted to add how frustrated I am with customers sometimes, it seems unprofessional to complain, so I don’t but man I am so sick of some people. Seriously stuffing us around. Agghhhh.

Ok so I have that going on and trying to find a balance that works for everyone, also managing the two kids, and work is getting busier, reports coming up, it sucks sharing a class at times because I have to do things to work in with someone else, if it was just up to me I could plan it how I want to get things done. now i have to work in with someone else which means pressure to be more organised than I usually would be. So there’s that.

And there’s noah’s party coming up, we’ve got so many people coming and I’m stressed about it all coming together, about feeding that many people etc. My parents are going to try and come across, but it just ticks me off that we aren’t a priority. I bet any money that it will be just one of them, and they will get there late, leave early sunday after noah’s dedication. they’re going to a concert on friday night. Why couldn’t they stuff the concert and come friday night so they could be here and be involved and help out for once? They say they’re so family oriented and yet, it never ceases to disappoint me just how often they make the effort to come and be focussed on us. if they do come it’s always leaving early to go and visit some random person. so i guess you can say that is kind of eating away at me also.

And the money side of things is always stressful, esp balancing things this time of year when you have bills coming in left right and centre. I hate that it stresses me.

so yeah, that’s what is going on for me atm, along with the fact that noah is constantly sick with something and I’m on a diet which is making me a tad grumpy, i haven’t had a carb in 2 weeks, what I wouldn’t give for a piece of toast right now!

Hoping that getting this off my chest will help me enjoy the sunshine and all of the wonderful things that I have been blessed with. 🙂